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Getting a Cavity and Dental Filling

BY Windy Hill Dental Associates

What is Cavity?

Tooth decay is the softening of the tooth enamel and the damage of structure caused by acids wherein when the plaque bacteria break down the sugar in the mouth. If this would be left untreated, this will lead to a hole in the teeth. The worst part is that the tooth hole may turn to light yellow to yellow to light brown to brown and finally gets to jet black. It may go larger over time and may damage the whole tooth structure.

patient getting dental fillings treatment


Poor oral hygieneNot brushing or flossing after eating a meal? Well, you better get started because it can cause cavities. The plaque will build up and attack the tooth enamel. Plaque formationThe formation takes place when bacteria, acid, food particles, and saliva combines in the mouth. The plaques then attack the enamel of the tooth causing a formation of holes in the tooth structure. Dry mouthSaliva helps wash the plaque on the tooth structure, and when there is less saliva,  plaques will be most likely to build up and form a cavity. Eating and DrinkingThis is where everything begins. All of us eat and drink there’s no way we can avoid that, but it does play a significant role in cavity formation. Avoid foods and beverages that may cause damage to our teeth like hard candies, sodas, frequent intake of caffeine beverages like coffee and cola, tea, potato chips and more. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly. Medical problemsMedical issues can also contribute to damaging our teeth. One example is bulimia which increases the risks of cavity build up when our teeth get exposed to stomach acid during frequent vomiting.Bacteria and acidThere are bacteria naturally in our mouth; bacteria break down carbohydrates that linger in our teeth that form acid.

What is a Dental filling?

A dental filling is the restoration of the damaged tooth caused by decay back to its normal function and structure of the tooth. Dentists clean the decayed area of the tooth and then fills the area with a filling material. It also helps in preventing further decay by closing the spaces where bacteria can enter. Materials used in dental filling include gold, porcelain, composite resin and an amalgam (an alloy of mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc).

What’s the best type of filling?

There is no best filling, but it must suit the extent of repair needed for your teeth. Here are some fillings:GoldGold fillings are considered by some as the best material because it is mostly gum tolerated, and suitable for long-term use because it lasts for 20 years. Gold fillings are also the most expensive and require several appointments. It is made to order and cemented to its place. PorcelainPorcelain fillers are also called as inlays or onlays and are produced in an offsite lab. It is bonded to the tooth structure, and it usually matches the natural color of the tooth.Composite resinThe resin is made to match the teeth's natural shade. Materials used for this procedure are mixed and attached directly to the tooth structure where it hardens. The filling usually doesn’t go that long like those other fillings. These are easily stained and not ideal for large fillings because it is worn out over time.AmalgamCommonly are silver fillings, resistant to wear and are inexpensive at the same time. They appear much darker and noticeable compare between porcelain and composite resin. Amalgam is placed on the parts of the teeth that are not visible.

What would happen if I get a Filling?

The first thing is, dentists will remove the decayed portion of the tooth structure and cleanse it. Dentists have special instruments to check for any abnormalities closely. They may also x-ray the entire mouth or only a portion of it.

How will I know I need to have dental fillings?

Visiting a dentist will likely be the best answer to that since they can detect and determine whether there is a cavity that needs to be filled in.If you are suffering from cavities, schedule your appointment with us at Windy Hill Dental Associates for Dental Fillings in Marietta, GA. Call us at 770-955-1188. Our dental office is located at 2501 Windy Hill Road | Suite 330 | Marietta, GA 30067.

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